Friday, February 11, 2011

Fukuoka Trip #4 [Aloha Spirit Guest House]

        In this trip to Fukuoka, I stayed in a good located guest house in Tenjin, Aloha Spirit Guest House. The rate is inexpensive, the rooms are neat and clean, but what impressed me much is the owner, Ken. He is Japanese but stayed in Hawaii until his high school time, so he can speak English fluently. Not only English, but also some Korean and Russian. Also, Japanese, for sure.

        He makes some food for the guest and drives the guest around the town if he has time. When I said I want to go to Fukuoka mosque but didn't know where it is, he took me there! Also to the zoo! And a cheap delicious Japanese restaurant! It was really nice :")

Geoff, Ken, and I (before going to Nagasaki)

        Alhamdulillah, that was a short break but means a lot for me. Thanks for Kak Sugeng and family, Ken, 아주 착한 Geoff씨, Quy, Mark, Mr. Won Sik Kang, Young Kyung Baek, Ibu Ros, Mr. Umar N, and all the people I met there~

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