Thursday, September 29, 2011

Again! Campus Arts Special On Thursday! @ PNU - 2nd Semester of 2011

       Yey! Again! They started again this semester! You can see free art performance in Pusan National University (PNU), Busan, every Thursday at 12.30 to 13.30.

캠퍼스 목요 아트 스페셜은 부산대학교
재학생과 졸업생 및 외부 단체의 참여로
매주 목요일 점심시간과 함게 하고
교내 문화를 즐기는 공연 문화입니다

Campus Arts Special On Thursday at PNU is
a collaboration of the student and alumni of
department of music, Korean traditional music, ballet, culture in PNU,
and also other organizations
to create a culture of enjoying arts in the campus
every Thursday at the lunch time


From 12:30 to 13:00!

September 8th 2011
무용 | "발레와의 만남" (민병수 발레단)
Dept. of Ballet | "A meeting with ballet" (ByungSoo Min ballet group)

September 15th 2011
예술문화영상 | 한국영화의 가능성: 독립영화 박수영 (핵분열가족), (죽이러 갑니다)
Dept. of Art Culture and Image | Chance of Korean film: Independent movie SooYoung Park (The freaking family), (Go to kill)

September 22nd 2011
음막 | 노래의 날개를 타고
Dept. of Music | "Ride the wing of song"

September 29th 2011
한국음악 | "전통음악" (한국음악학과 전통음악 연주단)
Dept. of Korean Music | "Traditional music" (Dept. of Korean music, Traditional music group)

October 6th 2011
무용 | Campus Korea Dance "움. 숨. 춤"
Dept. of Ballet | Campus Korea Dance "Um, Soom, Chum"

October 13th 2011
예술문화영상 | 한국영상예술의 가능성: 비디오 아트 이행준 (Nebula Rising), (After Psycho Shower)
Dept. of Art Culture and Image | Chance of Korean Visual Art: Video Art HaengJoon Yi (Nebula Rising), (After Psycho Shower)

October 27th 2011
음악 | 실내악 연주
Dept. of Music | Performance of chamber music

November 3rd 2011
한국음악 | "스물다섯줄에 스치는 바람" (효산 가야금연주단)
Dept. of Korean Music | "Twenty-five line of breeze wind" (Hyosan Gayageum group)

November 10th 2011
무용 | "11월의 소나타" (박은화 현대무용단 '자유')
Dept. of Ballet | "November Sonata"

November 17th 2011
예술문화영상 | 한국영화의 가능성: 애니메이션 주마나몽 (animating earth), (제주 4,3의 새벽)
Dept. of Art Culture and Image | Chance of Korean film: Animation Joomanamong (animating earth), (4,3 dawn Jeju)

November 24th 2011
음악 | 소프라노 손현희 초청연주 & 트럼펫 드미트리 초청연주
Dept. of Music | Soprano SonHyonHee invitation performance & trumpet Dimitri invitation performance

December 1st 2011
한국음악 | "화려한 도시" (오리엔탈 토리: 담음)
Dept. of Korean Music | "Splendid city" (Oriental Tory: Dameum)

December 8th 2011
Special performance

* all the English translation is translated by me.
Just to make it easier to understand.
I apologize for any different meaning.


Pusan National University, Busan, South Korea
At 10.16 기념관 (10.16 Memorial Hall, Building #403)

Exactly for Free
So, don't miss it~~~~~

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