Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Converting OSM shape file into Oracle 10g using FME (Windows XP)

       If you get any assignment to extract Open Street Map(OSM) database from Oracle spatial -like me- and have no idea how to convert the OSM data into Oracle -like I was before-, I hope this article will help you :")

       First, you have to make sure you get all this following things :
1. Oracle 10g installed and works well on your computer.
2. You have Oracle account and you know the service name, id, and password.

       Now, you need OSM data file, you can download OSM shape file from CloudMade * lot of thanks to CloudMade :) * and choose it by country name. Download the file with extension *, then unzip the file.

       To convert the shape file into Oracle you can use FME from, as they also provide 14-days trial service. So, just download and install the program.

       In order to get the trial license you have to register first. Just click 'FME Workbench' and just follow the steps below :

       And you will get email which include a link to download trial license file, fme_license.fmelic. Just download the file and do the following steps :

       Now, after FME program can be run well under trial license, it time to convert the shape file into Oracle :")

If you dont know the service name, you can try to run this query :
select name, value from v$parameter
where name like '%service%'

       Then just click the green arrow in the upper left side of the window. Then the wait until the data is converted. If the conversion find no problem, the success message will appear. :")

       If you have SQLDeveloper and want to make sure whether the data convertion is success, you can do the following steps :

       Ok, last but not least, happy OSM+Oracle thingy :")

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Flower : ]

       Jalan-jalan foto-foto sana sini untuk mengumpulkan sample image. Baru nyadar kalau banyak sekali foto bunga-bunganya. Jadi pengen share di blog.

       Persis seperti hatiku yang berbunga-bunga karena minggu depan akan final exam, ngumpulin sample image dan ditunggu lagi dengan segudang tugas,, T_T